Our story is a story of lost art. Lost tradition. It’s a story of women oppression. Of image-related hate.
In a country where its true essence- craftsmanship- is dying; in an industry that suppresses women’s appearance and rights; in a world where skilled artisan labour doesn’t pay but kills, is there space for a new story? Can the narrative be reverted?
As the Italian saying goes “ride bene chi ride ultimo” (he who laughs last laughs best), laughter is a waiting game. That is how Risa, which in Italian literally means laughter, was born. Beatrice, a young woman from a small town near Venice, saw the dire state of Italian artisanal laboratories and decided to take matters into her own hands. Unearthing treasures from the past, she discovered the world's most precious out-of-production textiles, scraps, and passementerie. She decided to riusa (reuse) them to create laughter, joy, awareness.
Now Risa is writing her own story, rowing against the wind.
A story of women empowerment, be it while creating the unique Risa garments or while wearing them. Of true artistry, true artisanship. A story of beauty and self-love. Our story is about uniting voices, so we hope you will join us in this risa.